The Foundation consists of representatives appointed or elected for a two year period by each of the Masonic Districts in Alberta. At the time of the inception of the Foundation districts were numbered. The representatives from 'even' numbered districts were elected or appointed in 'even' numbered years, and those from 'odd' numbered districts, in the 'odd' years. This remains the same today. Each year the incoming District Deputy Grand Master reviews whether or not a new representative needs to be elected or appointed during his term of office. Representatives must be Master Masons in good standing and possess a sincere interest in Masonic charities. In addition to the appointed or elected District Representatives there are members at large. These members may have been representatives previous to their election to an administrative position such as President, Vice-President or Secretary. Also, there are members at large who are appointed by the Executive Committee of the Foundation for their expertise.
To find out what type of financial assistance THE MASONIC FOUNDATION OF ALBERTA may offer, please visit their website at: