Video: Radio, Cellular, and Tower Equipment Installer, Repairer, and Mechanic Career Video

A video about Radio, Cellular, and Tower Equipment Installer, Repairer, and Mechanic Career Video

Radio and Telecommunications Equipment Installers and Repairers

Telephones, computers, and radios depend on a variety of equipment to transmit communications signals and connect to the Internet. From electronic and optical switches that route telephone calls and packets of data to their destinations... ... more

Academic Programs of Interest for Radio and Telecommunications Equipment Installers and Repairers

Communication Technician
A Communication Technician Program will teach a student how to install, maintain, remove and repair wiring networks, consumer communication equipment, switchboards and specialized equipment such as intercoms,... more
Community Antenna Television Technician
A Community Antenna Television Technician Program will teach a student how to construct, service and maintain a sophisticated two-way interactive broadband communications system designed to deliver superior... more