Video: Career in Farm Managment

A video about Career in Farm Managment

Farmers, Ranchers, and Agricultural Managers

American farmers, ranchers, and agricultural managers direct the activities of one of the world's largest and most productive agricultural sectors. They produce enough food and fiber to meet the needs of the United States and... ... more

Academic Programs of Interest for Farmers, Ranchers, and Agricultural Managers

Agricultural Business and Management
Agricultural Business and Management Major will introduce you to crop production, livestock management, soil and water conservation, and various other aspects of agriculture. Agricultural education includes instruction... more
Agricultural Economics
Agricultural economics tends to be more microeconomic oriented. Many undergraduate Agricultural Economics degrees tend to be more like a traditional business degree rather than a traditional economics... more
Agricultural education is instruction about crop production, livestock management, soil and water conservation, and various other aspects of agriculture. Agricultural education includes instruction in food education, such... more
Dairy Production Technician
A Dairy Production Technician Program will teach a student how to operate and maintain farm equipment that sustains farm sanitation, herd health and breeding; feeds the dairy... more
Equine Studies
Equine Management The student interested primarily in the management of a barn will select the Equine Management concentration. This program directs the student's interests to the mechanics... more
Livestock Management
Livestock provides our diet with highly nutritious but relative expensive ingredients: milk and beef from cattle, pork from pigs, and broilers and eggs from poultry. It also... more