Business Education

Business education is the enterprise of education directed at the study and research of the field of business. It includes secondary education and higher education or university education, with the greatest activity in the latter. It is often or almost always oriented toward preparing students for the practice of an occupation in business or business-related fields.

Business education can be studied to degree level relating to teaching business in schools or universities however a teaching qualification is essential afterwards. If one doesn't want to go into teaching it can be useful when going into management or the business sector.

Business education is taught to aid understanding of businesses today as the business world is further developing it is essential to have some knowledge especially if you want to set up your own business.


Postsecondary Teachers
Wage: $79,640
10 Year Growth Rate: 12.0%
Education Requirements:

Kindergarten, Elementary, Middle, and Secondary Teachers
Wage: $61,350
10 Year Growth Rate: 7.0%
Education Requirements:
Bachelor's degree