Federal Work-Study offers part-time jobs for graduate and undergraduate students demonstrating financial need. This allows them to earn extra money to help pay for education costs. This program is a wonderful way to encourage community service work and work related to the student’s studies. It is excellent to include this experience on a resume.
Federal Work-Study Overview:
- While you are enrolled in school, it offers part-time employment.
- Federal Work-Study is offered to both part-time and full-time students.
- It is offered to any professional students, graduates and undergraduates who demonstrate financial need.
- Schools that participate in the Federal Work-Study Program administer it.
- Visit your financial aid office at school to discover if your institution participates in Federal Work-Study options.
What Type of Federal Work-Study Jobs Are Available?
This program aims to offer employment in work that is related to your area of study when possible. It focuses on civic education and work that relates to various courses of study. Obtain more information from your school to see if this would be a beneficial option.
Are Jobs Available On-Campus and Off-Campus?
There are both on and off-campus jobs offered. Typically, on-campus work is done for your school. Most off-campus work is offered by public agencies or private non-profit organizations. The work that is offered by employers needs to be in the interest of the public.
Certain institutions may have private for-profit employer agreements for work-study opportunities. These jobs have to be relevant to your course study as much as possible. If you attend a for-profit proprietary school, there are often additional restrictions on the kinds of jobs you are eligible to be assigned.
Apply for aid early if you are considering getting a Federal Work-Study job during your career school or college enrollment as there are limited funds available.
What Is My Earning Potential for Federal Work-Study?
The current federal minimum wage is the least amount you can earn. The skills required for the job and the kind of work you do may enable some individuals to earn more.
How much your work-study award will depend on the following:
- Your financial need level.
- The time you apply.
- The funding level at your school.
Am I Allowed to Work As Many Hours As I Like?
No, your hours will be capped at a certain amount. The money earned is not allowed to exceed your Federal Work-Study award. The financial aid office at your school or your employer will take your academic progress and class schedule into account when assigning work hours.
How Are My Funds Distributed?
Whether you are a graduate or undergraduate student will factor into how you will be paid.
Your school must pay you every month at a minimum.
Depending on the type of work you complete, you will be paid by salary or by the hour if you are a professional or graduate student.
Your school will pay you directly unless you request that they use the funds to cover your institutional charges that are related to your education including room and board, fees and tuition, or if you make arrangements that payments go directly to your bank account instead.